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Crew Rewards Ninja Saga Season 25

S25 Blue Flame Kunai (weapon) phase 1

Level: 80
Damage: 500

Increases accurary by 35%. Recover HP by 8% when being put on a debuff. Burn 6% of target's max HP on successful weapon attack for 2 turns.

S25 Kinjutsu: Blue Flame Slash (Taijutsu)
Chakra: 400 - Damage: 200 - Cooldown: 14

Remove all positive status effects of target. Burns 12% of the target's HP for 2 turns.

S25 Blue Flame Sai (weapon)

Level: 80
Damage: 520

Increases accurary by 40%. Increase combustion chance by 23%. (Minimum requiriment of 1 Attribute point in Fire to activate combustion effect) Reduce target 5 HP on every weapon attack.

S25 Blue Flame Axe (weapon)

Level: 80
Damage: 550

Increases accurary by 45%. Kill target instantly when target's HP is less than 20%.

S25 Blue Flame Nunchaku (weapon)

Level: 80
Damage: 500

Increases accurary by 40%. Recovers 12% of the user's HP & CP after using buffs. Reduce target 4% HP on every weapon attack.

S25 Blue Flame Shuriken (weapon)

Level: 80
Damage: 520

Increases accurary by 35%. Recover CP by 12% when being put on a debuff. Burns 7% of target's max HP on successful weapon attack for 2 turns.

S25 Blue Flame Weather Doll (back)

Level: 1

Effect: Increase 5% purify chance. Each turn recover 200 HP and 200 CP.

S25 Blue Flame Conical Hat (back)

Level: 1

Effect: Increase agility by 6. Reduces 5 HP every turn.

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