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Crew Rewards Ninja Saga Season 24

S24 Purple Lighthing Axe (weapon) phase 1

Level: 85
Damage: 565

Increases accurary by 45%. Increase critical chance by 25% and critical damage by 25%.

S24 Kinjutsu: Purple Thunder Shooting (Genjutsu)
Chakra: 1000 - Damage: 0 - Cooldown: 17

Target gains negative status 'Restriction' and 'Blind' status for 5 turns (extra 50% dodge rate during target's attack).

S24 Purple Lighthing Lance (weapon)

Level: 80
Damage: 520

Increases accurary by 50% whenever HP is less than 70% for 2 turns. Increases critical rate by 50% whenever HP is less than 40% for 2 turns. Has 20% chance to block attack damage when HP is less than 30%.

S24 Purple Lighthing Sai (weapon)

Level: 90
Damage: 600

Increases accurary by 48%. Increase critical damage by 50%.

S24 Purple Lightning Dagger (weapon)

Level: 90     Damage: 575

Increases accuracy by 40%. Increase critical chance by 22%. Has 35% chances of remove target's positive status effect with weapon attack

S24 Purple Lightning Katana (weapon)

Level: 80     Damage: 515

Increase 35% accuracy. Additional 550 damage on all attacks. Additional 550 HP damage upon critical attack.

S24 Purple Lightning Scroll (back)

Level: 1

Increases critical rate by 11%

S24 Purple Lightning Folding Fan (back)

Level: 1

Increases critical damage by 15%

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