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Rank 1 – 20:

Kinjutsu: Advanced Gashadokuro Soul Echo (genjutsu)
Chakra: 550 Damage: 0 Cooldown: 18

Increase damage and critical chance by 35%; and ignore 35% of target's dodge. (5 turns).  Increase combustion chance by 75%.(Minimum requirement of 1 Attribute Point in Fire to activate combustion effect). Recover 7% of user\'s max HP after taking damage for 5 turns.

ninja saga pve season 26

Rank 21 – 100:

Kinjutsu: Gashadokuro Soul Echo (genjutsu)
Chakra: 600 Damage: 0 Cooldown: 20

Increase damage and critical chance by 20%; ignore 20% of target's dodge. (4 turns). Increase combustion chance by 60%. (Minimum requirement of 1 Attribute Point in Fire to activate combustion effect). Recover 4% of user\'s max HP after taking damage for 4 turns

ninja saga pve season 26

180 000+ Score:

Gashadokuro (Guardian Spirit) (back)

9% chance to convert damage taken to HP positively. 80% chance to poison enemy who attack user - Reduce 4% HP for 1 turn.

ninja saga pve season 26
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