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Crew Rewards Ninja Saga Season 6

Phase 1 S6 Natural Energy Axe (weapon)
level: 80 Damage: 495

Increase 35% accuracy and agility by 1. Reduce jutsu CP consumption for 40%

S6 Kinjutsu: Reiki Beast Fists (taijutsu)
Chakra: 10 Damage: 550 Cooldown: 15

Removes all target's positive status and reduces dodge rate by 70% for 3 turns.

S6 Kinjutsu: Black Crow (genjutsu)
Chakra: 200 Damage: 0 Cooldown: 15

Reduce 70% target's dodge rate; and extra 70% dodge rate during target's attack. (4 turns)

S6 Bagua Shuriken (Weapon)
Level: 85  Damage: 540

Increases 40% accuracy. Restore 7% CP and 7% HP every turn.

S6 Green Crystal Hammer
Level: 80 Damage: 505

Increases 35% accuracy and increases all attack damage by 30% until the end of next turn after using the weapon

S6 Green Crystal Broadsword (weapon)
Level: 85   damage:  535

Increases 40% accuracy and dodge chance by 13%

S6 The Lance of Demise   (weapon)

Level: 85   damage:  535

Increases 45% accuracy and all attack damage by 7%. Increase combustion chance by 15%. (Minimum requirement of 1 Attribute Point in Fire to activate combustion effect)

S6 Blood Skull Dagger  (weapon)
Level: 80  damage:495

Increases 35% accuracy. Has 30% chance to remove target's positive status. Kill target instantly when target's HP is less than 12%.

Damage Ranking Reward: Sannin Gakure, Legends Of Latin,ShadOw Ninja Fap, Shad0w Village, Emblem Elite, Six Paths Pain, Blood Brothers, Cronic crew, King Basilisk, Cr3w 2o16

Castle Owners:
Hiroshima Castle – Legends Of Latin
Himeji Castle – Sannin Gakure
Kumamoto Castle – King Basilisk
Okazaki Castle – Emblem Elite
Inuyama Castle – Sannin Gakure
Gifu Castle – Six Paths Pain
Hikone Castle – Shadow Ninja Fap

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