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Crew Rewards Ninja Saga Season 27

S27 Vampire Ring (accessories) phase 1

Level: 80

Effect: Has 15% chance to absorb 2% HP of enemy who attack you. Recover CP after HP reduction. (Amount: 7% of HP reduction).

S27 Kinjutsu: Bloodthirsly Bats (Genjutsu)
Chakra: 700 - Damage: 0 - Cooldown: 20

Directly drain their current 15% HP and remove target's all positive status. 

S27 Vampire Spear (weapon)

Level: 85 - Damage: 580

Increase accurary by 50%. Has 25% chance to inflict bloofeed - Recover HP after attack. (Amount: 100% of the attack damage) Converts 25% of the damage you take to CP damage. (Ratio: 1 CP = 2 HP).

S27 Vampire Spear (weapon)

Level: 80 - Damage: 580

Increase accurary by 25%. Has 100% chance to inflict bloofeed recover HP after attack. (Amount: 100% of the attack damage) Recover 15% HP when purify.

S27 Vampire Shuriken (weapon)

Level: 90 - Damage: 600

Increase accurary by 45% and dodge chance by 6%. Has 80% chance to inflict bloodfeed - recover HP after attack. (Amount: 100% of the attack damage).

S27 Vampire Sword (weapon)

Level: 80 - Damage: 477

Increase accurary by 40%. Has 60% chance to inflict bloodfeed - recover HP after attack. (Amount: 100% of the attack damage) Additional 400 damage on all attacks.

S27 Vampire Sickle (weapon)

Level: 1

Effect: Recover 300 HP at the start of every turn.

S27 Vampire Wings (weapon)

Level: 1

Effect: Recover 300 CP at the start of every turn.

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