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Crew Rewards Ninja Saga Season 22

S22 Lava Sword (weapon) phase 1

Level: 80
Damage: 500

Increase accurary 40%. Burn enemy upon each weapon attack - Additional 500 HP damage for 2 turns. Burns 7% of target's max HP on successful weapon attack for 1 turn.

S22 Kinjutsu: Lava Barrier (Genjutsu)
Chakra: 500 - Damage: 0 - Cooldown: 18

Damage taken reduce 80% (3 turns). Burn enemy who attack user - Reduce 5% HP for 3 turns.

S22 Lava Ax (weapon)

Level: 80
Damage: 512

Increases accurary by 35%. Inflicts ''Bleeding'' status to all attackers for 2 turns. (Bleeding: 45%) Inflict burning when attack with weapon - Reduce 4% HP for 4 turns. 

S22 Lava Sickle (weapon)

Level: 85
Damage: 565

Increases accurary by 45%. Increases accurary by 30% whenever HP is less than 50% for 2 turns. Has 30% chance to remove target's positve status effect using weapon attack.

S22 Lava Shuriken (weapon)

Level: 85
Damage: 555

Increase 42% accurary and agility by 2. Directly drain their current 2% HP on every weapon attack.

S22 Lava Hammer (weapon)

Level: 80
Damage: 512

Increase 35% accurary and attack damage by 15%. Inflict burning when attack with weapon - Reduce 5% HP for 3 turns.

S22 Lava Crown (back)

Level: 1

Effect: Restores 4% of user's max HP.

S22 Lava Ball (back)

Level: 1

Effect: Has 9% chance to convert damage taken to HP positively.

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