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Crew Rewards Ninja Saga Season 16

S16 Kinjutsu: Umbra Fist (Genjutsu)
Chakra: 10
Damage: 430
Cooldown: 10

Description: Reduce target's attack damage by 80% in 4 turns.

S16 Umbra Half Moon Scimitar (weapon)

Level: 90
Damage: 577

Increases 35% accurary and agility by 3. Kill enemies instantly when their HP are less than 16%.

S16 Umbra Chain Blade (weapon)

Level: 85
Damage: 501

Increase accurary 35%. Has 10% chance of inflicting Chaos on target for 1 turn and 15% chance to restrict target when attack with weapon (cannot use skill for 1 turn).

S16 Umbra Steel Wheel (back)

Level: 1

Effect: Reduce damage taken by 270.

S16 Umbra Bladed Scepter (weapon)

Level: 80
Damage: 480

Increase accurary by 40%. Burns 6% of target's max HP on successful weapon attack for 2 turns. Converts 33% of the damage you take to CP damage. (Ratio: 1 CP = 2 HP).

S16 Umbra Machete (weapon)

Level: 85
Damage: 555

Increase accurary by 33%. Has 70% chance to reduce enemy's 10% current HP upon each weapon attack. Has 35% chance to inflict bleeding when attack with weapon - Increase 40% damage taken for 1 turn.

S16 Umbra Fire Wheel (back)

Level: 1

Effect: Additional 170 HP damage upon all attack.

S16 Umbra Sword (weapon)

Level: 80
Damage: 540

Increase accurary by 35%. Has 30% chance of remove targe's positive status effects with weapon attack. Has 30% chance to inflict 'Rewind' (Reduce Skill cooldown by turn) (Not effective on talent skills).

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