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Crew Rewards Ninja Saga Season 13

S13 Slaughter Giant Axe (back) phase 1

Level: 1

Effect: Increase max. HP by 20% but reduce max CP by 35%.

S13 Kinjutsu: Infernal Puncture (Taijutsu)
Chakra: 10
Damage: 0
Cooldown: 16

Description: All targets will be restricted and 8% of his or her HP will also be reduced in next 3 turns.

S13 Slaughter Folding Fan (weapon)

Level: 80
Damage: 499

Increases 35% accurary. Inflict poison when attack with weapon reducing 5% for 2 turns. Has 70% chance to inflict bloobfeed - recover HP after attack. (Amount: 80% of the attack damage)

S13 Slaughter Hammer (weapon)

Level: 85
Damage: 515

Increases accurary by 45%. Has 100% chance to increase 35% critical rate when being attacked (1 turn). Blind enemies who attacks the user for 2 turns. (30% accurary reduction)

S13 Slaughter Double Sickle (back)

Level: 1

Effect: Recover HP by 1%. 20% chances of using Jutsu without CP.

S13 Slaughter Gunbai (weapon)

Level: 80
Damage: 520

Increases 35% accurary. Restore 850 CP when used to attack. 

S13 Slaughter Shuriken (weapon)

Level: 80
Damage: 475

Increases accurary by 40% and Max. CP by 650 recovers 10% of the user's HP when inflicted by debuff status.

S13 Slaughter Scimitar (weapon)

Level: 80
Damage: 480

Increases 40% accurary. Additional 700 damage on all attack.

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