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Clan Rewards Ninja Saga Season 09

Jutsu Fiery Night Phoenix
(Taijutsu) [Rewarded for Zheninjas ]
CP: 10 CD: 10 DMG: 164
Description: Give a fiery punch to target and inflict burning. (Reduce HP by 3%) (4 turns)

Weapon Soul Spear Nanakiri
[Rewarded for Emblem Elite ]
Level: 40 Damage: 200
Description: Increase purify chance every turn by 6%
weapon Updated with blacksmith
Enchanted Spear Nanakiri
Level: 50 Damage: 275
Description: Increase 20% accuracy. Increase purify chance every turn by 8%

Back Item Akazonae Gunbai
[Rewarded for Zheninjas, Emblem Elite, Elite Latina]
Description: Increase critical rate by 4% and ignore target dodge chance by 4%

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