Clan Rewards Ninja Saga Season 06

S6 Champion: Emblem Elite
S6 1st Runner Up: Zheninjas
S6 2nd Runner Up: NS Indonesia Clan

Jutsu S6 Pishamen-ryu
(Taijutsu) [Rewarded for Emblem Elite]
CP: 10 CD: 12 DMG: 164
Description: After using this skill on a target, anyone who attack the same target within the coming 3 turns can recover HP. (Amount: 60% of damage made) (Using taijutsu reduce your HP by 5%)

Weapon Soul Spear Matsukaz
[Rewarded for Zheninjas]
Level: 40 Damage: 200
Description: 5% chance to reduce skill cooldown by 1 turn. (Not effective on talent skills)
weapon Updated with blacksmith
Enchanted Spear Matsukaze
Level: 50 Damage: 275
Description: Increase 20% accuracy. 20% chance to reduce skill cooldown by 1 turn. (Not effective on talent skills)